Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Airplane's and Cowl's

The last couple of day's have been somewhat chaotic for me, first I came down with a cold and to add to it I flew home yesterday. I'm not a big fan of flying you we took off and upon landing I wasn't sure if I wanted to scream or vomit. I even planned on doing some knitting while on the plane, I called ahead made sure my needles wouldn't be considered WMD's and everything. But I ended up distracting myself by renting a movie; which worked, I wont lie. :)

Now that I'm home however, it's so nice! My mom and brother picked me up at the airport, and as we went outside to the parking lot my brother had the nerve to complain about how cold it as someone who has had the heat on since late August, has already lived through our first snowfall, and has been wearing my winter jacket most days I was not in the least bit impressed. We stepped outside and for me it was so warm out it was crazy!! I'm absolutely in shock at how different it is here in Ontario from Northern Alberta. Here, they still have fall! I barely got to experience the season this year, the trees went bare in a matter of a week. Here there are still beautiful leaves on trees and some flowers are still blooming. And the best part, it's sunny before 7 in the morning! My visit home is going to be a very much appreciated one. Especially since I'll being going back to Cold Lake in January and will get to experience -40 or colder temperatures.

Alright, I'm done with my little rant about my trip, I'll continue with some I said in my last post I decided to create my first pattern. Well, I did! I'm so very proud of myself, I mean I used a stitch from one of my books but everything else, from the cast on to the length and finishing is all mine.

Sadly, I can only post the pictures of the finished product as Microsoft Word is being stubborn and wont let me edit my pattern....don't you just love Windows 7. So, until I get that worked out here are some pictures of my first pattern, a beautiful cowl. The top is an up close of the cable stitch. I made it from the bottom up but I like the way it looks better flipped.

A New Technique

So, I've been knitting since I was a little kid, I've been lucky enough to have my Grandmother teach me. Over the last couple of years I've become more and more advantageous with my knitting. I've gone from knitting in the round with circulars to cable knitting, colour work, all the way to double pointed knitting. Now for some that may not be a big thing, but for me it has been; all the above have been things I've taught myself from watching videos and books.

And so you may be wondering what is my next step...well that would be designing my own pattern. :) I have the book Vogue Knitting Stitchionary 5: Lace Knitting. I narrowed it down to a stitch pattern, picked the yarn and needles and have casted on.

This will be my first winter in Northern Alberta, and I've been told/warned of how cold it gets here (-60) so thought why not make myself a cowl to keep me warm. Having only 2 places to buy yarn in town (Walmart and Zellers) I'm using my favorite yarn Bernat Satin in Soft Fern. It's soft and will make for a quick knit.

Stay tuned for the results, fingers crossed it'll be nice; and I'll be able to post the pattern.