Monday, December 13, 2010

12 More Sleeps and I still have knitting to do!

It's crunch time, seeing how Christmas is less than 2 weeks away...and for some unknown reason I've decided to start some new projects to use as gifts. I made myself a hat with a brim not too long ago and my mom is in love with it. I got the original patter from the book "Luxury Yarn One-Skein Wonders" and decided to tweak it a bit. She has a love for anything pink, snowflakes. So, I thought why not incorporate those things into the hat...

I did a random 'snowflake' search on the web and found this free chart pattern. I decided to use two of these to do a single ribbon around the hat. The main colour is just a plain white, and the snowflakes are a beautiful cobalt blue. I'm finding the yarn a bit on the thin side, even though it's the right gauge so I'm going to line the inside of the hat with a nice fleece.

I've never been good at reading a chart, I even have a row counter app on my Ipod because I easily forget what row I'm on or where in the chart I'm at. So, I'm currently in the process of writing out the chart for myself, I figure it'll help keep mistakes from happening. Well...that's what I'm hoping for.

But for now it's off to lay on the couch, and drink some tea. I'm fending off a cold right now...which I guess merely gives me more reason to sit around and knit. :p

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