Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snowflake Cap

Alright, so after a good long Christmas holiday with my family, I am now up and ready to post some of the gifts I made for my family. Today, I've done up my pattern for the Snowflake Cap I made for my mom. I ended up not doing a lining for it as I ran out of time; and in honesty I kind of gave up as I really didn't have the right idea on how to sew the lining in. Like I said before I'm severely challenged when it comes to sewing.

So, here's my Snowflake Cap pattern. You can find it here, Snowflake Cap . One last thing...this is only my second pattern I've written, so if you find mistakes please don't hesitate to leave me a note and I'll do my best to work them out. Enjoy!

I didn't have a model available so I used a lamp shade...not the best but it gives you an idea of how it looks.

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